General Information about the different Cub Scout Dens

Click on the links above for more information, and see our "Links" page too!

Tiger Badge
Bobcat Badge
Wolf Badge
Bear Badge
Webelos Badge

The links above will reveal information on the 4 Cub Scout programs (Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos) and also on the Bobcat badge.

The Bobcat Badge is a little unique because every boy earns this, regardless of when they start down the Cub Scout trail. Generally, it is earned by boys before they do their Wolf Badge, but that's not the only place. Anyone can start Cub Scouting at any age (grades 1 through 5) but before working on any other program badges, they must earn the Bobcat Badge. Starting in 2006, brand new Tiger Cubs must also earn this badge first!

NEW:  new for 2006, now all boys (even Tigers!!) must earn the Bobcat Badge before working on their rank badge.

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